In a nutshell, the Http Recorder add-on works as following:
Http Recorder can be usefull if you have to show some web pages in a place where there is no internet access.
Differently than a web site downloader program Http Recorder can store not only a site, but all the pages you visited, jumping from a site to another.
last stable version: 1.3, 19 Oct 2009
You can download httprec from one of the following links
Setup is automatically performed by firefox as you navigate one of the links in the download secion. If you have downloaded the xpi file just drug and drop it on the firefox addons dialog.
httprec GUI consists of a menu button in firefox status bar with 5 commands:
and a settings window:
To start using httprec follows the steps below.
In the “Working folder” text field put the full path of the directory.
From now on all visited urls will be saved and catalogued. If you want to skip (not record) some page, click the “pause” button. Reclick the “play” button to restart recording.
If you copied the working directory for playing elsewhere (e.g.: on a usb drive, to view recordings on another computer)put the full path of that directory in the “Working Directory” field, otherwise leave it unchanged.
Host: localhost
port: <Same-as-player-port>
For example, in firefox:
All http traffic will be redirected to httprec that act as a web proxy while playing. It catches the url requested and search for corresponding response in the previosly stored catalog, sending it back to the browser, with the same effect as online navigation.
Don't forget to restore your proxy settings when finishing play .
Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Attilio Pavone <>
Httprec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Httprec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file LICENSE, or can see <>.
All http incoming traffic is stored in two kind of files: those with an ”.h” extension contain response headers, the others (with no extension) the response content.
Files are progressively named “response-xxx” where xxx is the response number. e.g.
response-10, response-10.h
The cathalog of visited urls coupled with the corresponding response.x files is stored in the httprec.dat file, for retreaving in the playing phase.
first public release
Project has been tested in firefox 3.5.3 and everything is working fine.