- User manual: Chat -
message-off  message-on

The Chat panel allow you to send/receive plain text messages and files of any size with recovery if interrupted.

To write a message use the down text-box.
The size of the the top chat-view can be changed with respect to the down text-box dragging the boundary between them.


  • Use the enter button to switch on/off auto send on enter.
    If send-on-enter is on, to insert a line break in a message jast hold the <Ctrl> while pressing the <Enter> key;

  • Use the send button (or the <Enter> key if sen-on-enter is on) to send the text message;

  • Use the send-file button to send a file;


  • Use the send-file button to open the send file dialog;

  • Use the browse button to select the file to send;
  • click the Start button to begin sending the file.

Upon receiving the file request, this popup dialog will show up to the peer:


  • Use the browse button to select where and with which name to save the file;
If an existing file is selected, the download will begin starting at file-size (thus restoring an interrupted download).
Double check you selected the right file if restoring a previous download, or it will result in an unusable file.

click the Start button to begin downloading the file.

Both the sender and the receiver will see the download progress:


The dialog is not blocking, so you can continue chatting or even sending another file.

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Copyright © 2015 Attilio Pavone <tilly@utillyty.eu>